diff --git a/README.markdown b/README.markdown index d339b00..84f0e18 100644 --- a/README.markdown +++ b/README.markdown @@ -1,168 +1,16 @@ +## What is Octopress? + +Octopress is [Jekyll](https://github.com/mojombo/jekyll) blogging at its finest. + 1. **Octopress sports a clean responsive theme** written in semantic HTML5, focused on readability and friendliness toward mobile devices. 2. **Code blogging is easy and beautiful.** Embed code (with [Solarized](http://ethanschoonover.com/solarized) styling) in your posts from gists or from your filesystem. 3. **Third party integration is simple** with built-in support for Twitter, Pinboard, Delicious, Disqus Comments, and Google Analytics. 4. **It's easy to use.** A collection of rake tasks simplifies development and makes deploying a cinch. 5. **Ships with great plugins** some original and others from the Jekyll community — tested and improved. -## Getting Started - -[Create a new repository](https://github.com/repositories/new) for your website then -open up a terminal and follow along. If you plan to host your site on [Github Pages](http://pages.github.com) for a user or organization, make sure the -repository is named `your_username.github.com` or `your_organization.github.com`. - - mkdir my_octopress_site - cd my_octopress_site - git init - git remote add octopress git://github.com/imathis/octopress.git - git pull octopress master - git remote add origin (your repository url) - git push origin master - - # Next, if you're using Github user or organization pages, - # Create a source branch and push to origin source. - git branch source - git push origin source - - -Next, setup an [RVM](http://beginrescueend.com/) and install dependencies. - - rvm rvmrc trust - bundle install - - # Install pygments (for syntax highlighing) - sudo easy_install pip - sudo pip install pygments - -Install the default Octopress theme, - - rake install - -and you should be all set up to begin blogging with Octopress. - -### Generate & Preview - - rake generate # Generates your blog into the public directory - rake watch # Watches files for changes and regenerates your blog - rake preview # Watches, and mounts a webserver at http://localhost:4000 - -Jekyll's built in webbrick server is handy, but if you're a [POW](http://pow.cx) user, you can set it up to work with Octopress like this. - - cd ~/.pow - ln -s /path/to/octopress - cd - - -Now that you're setup with POW, you'll just run `rake watch` and load up `http://octopress.dev` instead. - -## Writing A Post - -Create your first post. - - rake new_post["hello world"] - -This will put a new post with a name like like `2011-07-3-hello-world.markdown` in the `source/_posts` directory. -Open that file in your favorite text editor and you'll see a block of [yaml front matter](https://github.com/mojombo/jekyll/wiki/yaml-front-matter) -which tells Jekyll how to processes posts and pages. - - --- - layout: post - title: "Hello World" - date: 2011-07-03 5:59 - comments: true - categories: - --- - -Now beneath the yaml block, go ahead and type up a sample post, or use some [inspired filler](http://baconipsum.com/). If you're running the watcher, save and refresh your browser and you -should see the new post show up in your blog index. - -Octopress does more than this though. Check out [Blogging with Octopress](#include_link) to learn about all the different ways Octopress makes blogging easier. - -## Configuring Octopress - -I've tried to keep configuring Octopress fairly simple. Here's a list of files for configuring Octopress. - - _config.yml # Main config (Jekyll blog settings) - Rakefile # Config for Rsync deployment - config.rb # Compass config - - sass/custom/_colors.scss # change your blog's color scheme - sass/custom/_layout.scss # change your blog's layout - sass/custom/_styles.scss # override your blog's styles - -Octopress keeps it's main configurations in two places, the `Rakefile` and the `_config.yml`. You probably won't have to change anything in the rakefile except the -deployment configurations (if you're going to [deploy with Rsync over SSH](#deploy_with_rsync)). - -## Deploying - -### Deploying with Rsync via SSH - -Add your server configurations to the `Rakefile` under Rsync deploy config. To deploy with Rsync, be sure your public key is listed in your server's `~/.ssh/authorized_keys` file. - - ssh_user = "user@domain.com" - document_root = "~/website.com/" - -Now if you run `rake deploy` in your terminal, your `public` directory will be synced to your server's document root. - -### Deploying to Github Pages - -To setup deployment, you'll want to clone your target repository into the `_deploy` directory in your Octopress project. -If you're using Github project pages, clone the repository for that project, eg `git@github.com:username/project.git`. -If you're using Github user or organization pages, clone the repository `git@github.com:usernem/username.github.com.git`. - - # For Github project pages: - git clone git@github.com:username/project.git _deploy - rake config_deploy[gh-pages] - - # For Github user/organization pages: - git clone git@github.com:username/username.github.com _deploy - rake config_deploy[master] - - # Now to deploy, you'll run - rake deploy - -The `config_deploy` rake task takes a branch name as an argument and creates a [new empty branch](http://book.git-scm.com/5_creating_new_empty_branches.html), and adds an initial commit. -This prepares your branch for easy deployment. The `rake deploy` task copies the generated blog from the `public` directory to the `_deploy` directory, adds new files, removes old files, sets a commit message, and pushes to Github. -Github will queue your site for publishing (which usually occurs instantly or within minutes if it's your first commit). - - -### Deploying to a Subdirectory (Github Project Pages does this) - -If you're deploying to a subdirectory on your site, or if you're using Github's project pages, make sure you set up your urls correctly in your configs. -You can do this *almost* automatically: - - rake set_root_dir[your/path] - - # To go back to publishing to the document root - rake set_root_dir[/] - -Then update your `_config.yml` and `Rakefile` as follows: - - # _config.yml - url: http://yoursite.com/your/path - - # Rakefile (if deploying with rsync) - document_root = "~/yoursite.com/your/path" - -To manually configure deployment to a subdirectory, you'll change `_config.yml`, `config.rb` and `Rakefile` - - # Example for deploying to Octopress's Github Pages - - # _config.yml - destination: public/octopress - url: http://imathis.github.com/octopress - subscribe_rss: /octopress/atom.xml - root: /octopress - - # config.rb - for Compass & Sass - http_path = "/octopress" - http_images_path = "/octopress/images" - http_fonts_path = "/octopress/fonts" - css_dir = "public/octopress/stylesheets" - +## Documentation - # Rakefile - public_dir = "public/octopress" - # If deploying with rsync, update your Rakefile path - document_root = "~/yoursite.com/your/path" +Check out [Octopress.org](http://octopress.org/docs) for guides and documentation. ## License (The MIT License)