16 Commits (acd1ba34d3b74ebb6574d35bc798e1d5f185748a)

Author SHA1 Message Date
Brandon Mathis b9ad060b5d 1. Updated config so blog categories get ouput to /blog/categories
2. Increased default pagination to 10 posts per page
3. Explained email address for RSS feed better
14 years ago
Brandon Mathis 353ccfd4eb 1. Added Category support
2. Designed blog archives pages
3. Restructured Sass
4. Added Categories to rake post metadata
5. Some general style improvements
14 years ago
Brandon Mathis ef3ff431e5 1. Added html5 video with flash fallback.
2. Added Rack support
3. Disqus support
4. Improved Readme
5. Improved Syntax flexibility and styling
6. Improved blockquote styling
14 years ago
Brandon Mathis f77db80077 1. Switched back to Rdiscount
2. Improved Blockquote comment header
3. Added Include File and Pullquote plugins
4. Improved blog typography
5. Simplified "Read more" link
14 years ago
Brandon Mathis 21813059f2 1. Replaced Rdiscount in favor of Kramdown (better html5 support) for markdown processing.
2. Added updated instructions to the README
3. Removed unused media css directories
4. Improved use of color variables for page theming.
5. Improved Typography and blog styling.
6. Added support for simple pre and code styles
7. Misc styling and markup improvements.
14 years ago
Brandon Mathis ab29d45ae8 1. Added new include_code tag to allow auhtors to insert files from the file system with syntax highligting and a download link
2. Improved the gist tag to properly insert the sources in <noscript> tags
3. Improved semantics in the blockquote plugin and DRYed things up.
4. Pygments caching now stores to the _code_cache directory by default
5. Added a configuration for the default include_code directory
6. Updated the .gitignore
14 years ago
Brandon Mathis 814be44c15 1. Improved responsive navigation styling when email subscription is present
2. Refactored subscription styling to be more DRY
3. Added an image for email subscriptions
4. Added assets directory to the gitignore for stashing working files
5. Improved gem list in the Gemfile
14 years ago
Brandon Mathis a20dc08e10 1. Added support for styled subtitle in header
2. Added javascript detection for placeholder
3. Added backup style for search field with no-placeholder support
14 years ago
Brandon Mathis aa23061624 Added themes directory, improved javascript load and minification. 14 years ago
Brandon Mathis d8b796acb9 Another massive commit:
1. Major improvements to the responsive styling.
2. Toggleable sidebar
3. Upgraded to modernizr 2.0 which includes Respond.js
4. IE7-9 testing and fixes
5. New theming system which should make forkers happy
6. New rake task for installing Octopress themes
7. Magic
14 years ago
Brandon Mathis 8698a276f9 Cleaned out public from repository, updated gitignore, added syntax
highlighting tests, improved syntax highlighting and styling of pre
Overriding dynamic gist styling.
Added a plugin for pygments caching which should speed things up
added ender.js as a lightweight way of scripting the DOM, events, etc.
Some general typography and semantic html improvements.
14 years ago
Brandon Mathis c7d5365f81 major refactoring, improved file watching, changed site to public to support rack via pow (http://pow.cx) also implemented the basics of a 320 and up design refresh on the classic theme. This should make it great for mobile reading 14 years ago
Brandon Mathis e4c2d5790b irrisponsibly massive commit 14 years ago
B Mathis e0b4225887 now blog posts use a different layout 15 years ago
B Mathis e0a0d093c4 paramaterized feed, rsync deployment, and unified layouts 16 years ago
B Mathis 82d0251da1 improved starting point 16 years ago