Frederic Hemberger
Fixes styling of <figure> code header
14 years ago
Brandon Mathis
1. Vastly improved backtick code blocks and added support for Textile
2. Refactored Octopress filters into Liquid filters and pre/post render filters (using post_filters plugin)
3. Added methods to raw plugin to prevent Markdown and Textile from parsing blocks
4. Updated render partial to invoke the pre_render method of post_filters
5. Moved Rubypants filter out of default.html into Octopress post_render filters
6. Added raw's safe_wrapper method to codeblock and include_code filters
14 years ago
Brandon Mathis
include_code now defaults to relative urls for easy testing on a development server
14 years ago
Brandon Mathis
improved lang:language for codeblock and include code. It no longer strips out surrounding whitespace.
14 years ago
Brandon Mathis
added option to force syntax highlighting language, example: {% include_code file lang:ruby %}. Fixes #108
14 years ago
Brandon Mathis
centralized pygments aliases into pygments_code.rb. Added alias for .ru (ruby), which sort of fixes #108
14 years ago
Brandon Mathis
added yml alias for yaml code highlighting
14 years ago
Brandon Mathis
code_block and inlcude_code no longer needlessly render through the Liquid template parser
14 years ago
Brandon Mathis
include_code is now more forgiving, stripping leading forward slashes from the code_dir config
14 years ago
Brandon Mathis
added support for pygments.rb removing dependency on pygments, added support for caching highlighted code from pygments.rb and added default line numbering. Javascript auto line numbering now only occurs for embedded gists
14 years ago
Brandon Mathis
updated syntax highlighting support for perl and objective c in code_block and include_code plugins
14 years ago
Brandon Mathis
1. Added condition to full_url filter to allow it to be used as a root_url appending filter for remapping root "/" urls when octopress is deployed to a subdirectory. Updated _includes/article and _layouts/page to use the filter
2. Added documentation for the include_code plugin
14 years ago
Brandon Mathis
added optional title to include code tag
14 years ago
Brandon Mathis
added <div> wrappers to code blocks because rdiscount stupidly wraps <figure> tags with paragraphs. Grr.
14 years ago
Brandon Mathis
Moved plugins to root directory. I'm ditching the idea of shipping plugins with themes until it's more obviously necessary. This way it's easier to merge and update plugins.
14 years ago