Fixes spacing and global variable leaks, JSHint check

octopress.js now almost passes JSHint ( The only issues left
are due to undefined Modernizr and swfobject objects and the compressed
swfobject code at the end of the file, but those are neglectable.
Frederic Hemberger 14 years ago
parent f6bf894387
commit 9e5e3c5d2f

@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
function getNav() {
var mobileNav = $('nav[role=navigation] fieldset[role=site-search]').after('<fieldset role="mobile-nav"></fieldset>').next().append('<select></select>');
mobileNav.children('select').append('<option value="">Navigate&hellip;</option>');
$($('ul[role=main-navigation] a')).each(function(link) {
mobileNav.children('select').append('<option value="'+link.href+'">&bull; '+link.text+'</option>')
$('ul[role=main-navigation] a').each(function(link) {
mobileNav.children('select').append('<option value="'+link.href+'">&bull; '+link.text+'</option>');
mobileNav.children('select').bind('change', function(event) {
if ( window.location.href =;
function addSidebarToggler() {
$('#content').append('<span class="toggle-sidebar"></span>');
$('.toggle-sidebar').bind('click', function(e) {
@ -18,18 +19,19 @@ function addSidebarToggler() {
sections = $('aside[role=sidebar] > section')
var sections = $('aside[role=sidebar] > section');
if (sections.length > 1) {
sections.each(function(section, index){
if ((sections.length >= 3) && index % 3 == 0) {
if ((sections.length >= 3) && index % 3 === 0) {
count = ((index +1) % 2) ? "odd" : "even";
var count = ((index +1) % 2) ? "odd" : "even";
if(sections.length >= 3){ $('aside[role=sidebar]').addClass('thirds') }
if (sections.length >= 3){ $('aside[role=sidebar]').addClass('thirds'); }
function testFeatures() {
var features = ['maskImage'];
$(features).map(function(feature) {
@ -47,17 +49,17 @@ function testFeatures() {
function addCodeLineNumbers() {
if (navigator.appName == 'Microsoft Internet Explorer') { return }
if (navigator.appName == 'Microsoft Internet Explorer') { return; }
$('div.gist-highlight').each(function(code) {
var tableStart = '<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td class="gutter">';
var lineNumbers = '<pre class="line-numbers">';
var tableMiddle = '</pre></td><td class="code" width="100%">';
var tableEnd = '</td></tr></tbody></table>';
var count = $('div.line', code).length;
for (i=1;i<=count; i++){
lineNumbers += '<span class="line">'+i+'</span>\n';
table = tableStart + lineNumbers + tableMiddle + '<pre>'+$('pre', code).html()+'</pre>' + tableEnd;
var tableStart = '<table><tbody><tr><td class="gutter">',
lineNumbers = '<pre class="line-numbers">',
tableMiddle = '</pre></td><td class="code">',
tableEnd = '</td></tr></tbody></table>',
count = $('span.line', code).length;
for (var i=1;i<=count; i++) {
lineNumbers += '<span class="line-number">'+i+'</span>\n';
var table = tableStart + lineNumbers + tableMiddle + '<pre>'+$('pre', code).html()+'</pre>' + tableEnd;
@ -68,15 +70,16 @@ function flashVideoFallback(){
video = $(video);
if (! && swfobject.getFlashPlayerVersion() || window.location.hash.indexOf("flash-test") != -1){
var src = $(source).attr('src'),
id = 'video_'+Math.round(1 + Math.random()*(100000)),
width = video.attr('width'),
height = parseInt(video.attr('height')) + 30;
height = parseInt(video.attr('height'), 10) + 30;
video.after('<div class="flash-video"><div><div id='+id+'>');
swfobject.embedSWF(flashplayerlocation, id, width, height + 30, "9.0.0",
{ file : src, image : video.attr('poster'), skin : flashplayerskin } ,
{ movie : src, wmode : "opaque", allowfullscreen : "true" });
{ movie : src, wmode : "opaque", allowfullscreen : "true" }
@ -123,7 +126,7 @@ $.domReady(function(){
if ((meta = meta[meta.length - 1]) && addEvent in doc) {
scales = [.25, 1.6];
scales = [0.25, 1.6];
doc[addEvent](type, fix, true);
